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Coastal GasLink is delivering world-class energy infrastructure that will provide benefits for decades to come. 

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Sep 12 2024

Coastal GasLink’s response to EAO Administrative Penalties

Concerns addressed over 2022-2023 construction season, with environmental protection continuing to be our top priority.

Jun 25 2024

TC Energy congratulates Haisla Nation and Pembina on advancing Cedar LNG and is proud to support Indigenous-led LNG development

Today, Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation (Pembina) announced a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) for the Haisla-led Cedar LNG Project.

Jun 18 2024

Post-construction update

With mechanical completion of Coastal GasLink Phase 1 achieved in November 2023, we are now focused on safe and reliable operations of the pipeline system while continuing to complete clean-up and reclamation work along the route.

Jun 13 2024

Coastal GasLink completes largest corporate bond offering in Canadian history

Coastal GasLink successfully completed a $7.15 billion refinancing of its existing construction credit facility through a Canadian private bond offering of First Lien Senior Secured Notes.

Jan 9 2024

Coastal GasLink Connector — Q4 2023

The final issue of our Coastal GasLink Connector Newsletter is now available.