
Together, we're building more than just a project.
We're building prosperous communities now, and for decades to come. From Dawson Creek to Kitimat, collaboration is at the heart of our relationship with local & Indigenous communities.
Coastal GasLink is proud of the strong relationships and agreements we’ve built with the 20 Indigenous groups along the project route. Since we started the project in 2012, these Nations have engaged deeply and meaningfully with us, leading to their support of Coastal GasLink and the recognition of the many opportunities the project will create in their communities.
Videos of Support

Voices of Support
From Indigenous communities

Helen Michelle
Hereditary Chief, Wet'suwet'en
It's going to bring in resources. It's not a strange thing to have a pipeline in our territory. We have had a pipeline in our area since the mid-'60s and it hasn't caused any harm to our environment.”
- Bonnie George, Wet’suwet’en member
This is a major milestone for West Moberly First Nations. Our team has worked diligently over the past five years to ensure that our cultural and environmental principles are protected, and we continue to work closely with the Coastal GasLink team to maximize the economic benefits for our community members and future generations.”
- Roland Willson, Chief West Moberly First Nations
After a long and complex journey, we are finally at this important signing event. Coastal GasLink is a project that will impact the entire province and facilitate additional development that will impact our treaty lands for generations to come. We look forward to continuing to work with TransCanada on this and other projects that are environmentally, socially and culturally sustainable.”
- Ken Cameron, former Chief Saulteau First Nation
From the community
Phil Germuth
Mayor, District of Kitimat
Coastal GasLink is doing more than I've seen any business do in terms of Indigenous engagement and openness, getting the communities involved from day one. It's another level of transparency and openness that Coastal GasLink is putting forward with First Nations communities, and it wasn't something that we always had as First Nations people.”
- Harrison Dickie, Coordinator, CMCL
The community enjoys that Coastal GasLink comes in and is a part of our community. When you go around the community, you see people that haven't been working get the opportunity to be involved with Coastal GasLink. They help the cafes, restaurants, and our stores, which we like a lot. I think it's thumbs up, for sure.”
- Allen Courtoreille, Mayor District of Chetwynd
Our communities are really looking forward to the energy this project is going to bring to our area and our businesses, who are obviously excited. When you’re in a downturn, seeing things like this happen is huge and very much needed and appreciated.”
- Sarrah Storey, Mayor, Fraser Lake
From the industry

We really like what we see in how Coastal GasLink has approached this project. Safety and production is important to them, but so is providing opportunity to local Aboriginal businesses.”
- Mike Acko, Owner, M&M Resources
Coastal GasLink is an opportunity for communities throughout the North. The benefits will reach into the community - from schools to businesses - for the long term.”
- Fred Wilson, Owner Northwest Truck Rentals
We are extremely proud that Coastal GasLink has recognized this partnership and chosen us to deliver such an important part of their project.”
- Dean Allen, President Summit Camps
This is a real benefit to Canada. The income that comes from this and the people that are employed, and the taxes that are generated – it is immense. We look after our economy, we can look after each other.”
- Sean Surerus, President Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Letters of Support
TC Energy builds more than pipelines; we also build relationships. For years, Coastal GasLink has worked hard to be a trusted neighbour, building strong relationships with communities surrounding the pipeline route. We’re pleased to have received a number of support letters from communities along the proposed pipeline route.
Association letters
British Columbia Construction Association North
“We would be pleased to work with TransCanada and your selected prime contractors during their conditional award and construction period to promote local contracting for northern B.C. business that supports your community engagement and local contractors/employment strategies.” – Ken Morland, Chair, Board of Directors BCCA-North
Kitimat Economic Development Association
“The benefits to our community and the Haisla Nation will be immense; from employment to an influx of revenue to the town of Kitimat and its neighbouring communities.” – Director, Debbie Oviatt
Chamber of Commerce letters
BC Chamber of Commerce
“TransCanada’s Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project and the Coastal GasLink pipeline projects represent a combined capital investment of more than $10 billion. These major projects mean current and potential opportunities across the province for professional services, suppliers and contractors, as well as benefits for governments and taxpayers.” – Jon Garson, President and CEO
Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce
“At the most recent meeting of the Board of Director’s for the Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce, a motion was made and passed unanimously to write a letter of support for TransCanada’s Coastal GasLink pipeline project. In the three years since the announcement of this project, we have co-hosted a number of information sessions for residents and businesses in the Lakes District to ensure our community is aware, and able to take advantage, of economic opportunities that are very desirable.” – President, Greg Brown
Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce
“We are writing to express our support of TransCanada’s proposed Coastal GasLink and Prince Rupert Gas Transmission gas pipeline projects. As a center of industry in BC with a diverse business offering, we believe these projects are in the best interest of the community and the businesses we represent.” – Carmen Westgate, president, Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce
Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce
“We appreciate that in the planning and regulatory phase of your projects you have already taken steps to support our community through a significant partnership with Northern Lights College and sponsorship of the World Under-17 Hockey Challenge.” – President Anjula Benjamin
Fort St. John & District Chamber of Commerce
“At a recent Chamber luncheon, the speakers from TransCanada drew a crowd for over 100 members who came out to learn about TransCanada’s contracting programs and practices and the various local services that will be required for the projects throughout construction. It is this kind of information sharing and ongoing local engagement by TransCanada that assures us of their commitment to local benefits and is why we are happy to endorse TransCanada’s northern B.C. projects.” – President Tony Zabinsky
Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
“Kitimat is looking forward to a prosperous future and we appreciate the efforts of Coastal GasLink and TransCanada in getting to know us and joining our organization.” – Derick Stinson, Chair
Prince George Chamber of Commerce
“We would like to express our support for sustainable business development in northern and central British Columbia, and feel that the construction and completion of TransCanada’s proposed Coastal GasLink and Prince Rupert Gas Transmission natural gas pipeline projects works toward that.” – Cindi Pohl, president
Smithers District Chamber of Commerce
“The Smithers District Chamber of Commerce is pro-business and appreciates TransCanada’s commitment to the process to ensure environmental standards are met, that the public and aboriginal groups have been consulted and that community groups have had the opportunity to take part in the engagement process.” – President Colin Bateman
Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce
“We see your pipelines and LNG development as a great opportunity for our businesses to grow and we want to assure you of a warm welcome in Terrace as your projects move forward. – Val Gauvin, President, Terrace & District Chamber of Commerce
Vanderhoof Chamber of Commerce
“Mayor Thiessen has pointed out the good work the project has done in supporting local search and rescue, fish habitat restoration, skills training and recreational events. We would also note your membership in our Chamber. We want to extend a permanent welcome to TransCanada and Coastal GasLink as you establish your presence in Vanderhoof.” – President Joe Von Doellen
City and village letters
City of Dawson Creek
“We are pleased that TransCanada’s project teams have made the effort to learn about Dawson Creek area priorities and engage with local government, Chamber of Commerce, landowners and residents. We are also excited about the partnership with Northern Lights College and the opportunities it will bring for students related to skills training and education. We look forward to the implementation of your local participation plans and continuing the ongoing respectful and transparent dialogue.” – Mayor Dale Bumstead
Village of Fraser Lake
“We happily support TransCanada in this endeavor and look forward to news that Coastal GasLink has been successful in your efforts to reach a positive investment decision for the Coastal GasLink pipeline project. This will no doubt bring benefits to northern B.C.” – Mayor Dwayne Lindstrom
Village of Burns Lake
“We are excited for this project to become a reality and the benefits northern B.C. communities will see from the emergence of this new industry.” – Mayor Luke Strimbold
City of Terrace
“We are excited for this project to come to fruition and to see the benefits that will come to Northwest B.C. through the responsible development, construction and mobilization of the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project.” – Carol Leclerc, Mayor
District letters
District of Chetwynd
“We have already seen benefits from these pipeline proposals and a commitment from TransCanada to enhance our community. TransCanada’s $100,000 contribution to the newly constructed Chetwynd Primary Care Medical Clinic not only demonstrated that the company is listening to community priorities, but that it stands behind its commitment to leave a positive legacy.” – Mayor Merlin Nichols
District of Houston
“TransCanada has been open and honest in their discussions with us since the start. We appreciate your transparency and level of interactions with mayor and council, and with residents in and around Houston.” –Mayor Shane Brienen
District of Kitimat
“We support TransCanada in its endeavor to reach a positive investment decision for Coastal GasLink and thank you for your continued commitment to keep Council and District of Kitimat staff up to date on the project.” – Mayor Philip Germuth
District of Vanderhoof
“Coastal GasLink is already making significant contributions to our region. Local businesses are involved in their fieldwork, and the company is contributing to community organizations. This includes support for things like skills training, emergency response, and environmental protection and community events (sponsorship of public skating). These benefits will continue and the North will be stronger if we can move major projects like Coastal GasLink to construction.” – Mayor Gerry Thiessen