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Apr 14 2016

Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions

Posted by Coastal GasLink


While many Canadians have enjoyed the products produced in China—think furniture, toys, games, clothing, cars—there is a dark side to industrialization. Approximately 1.6 million deaths a year in China are linked to air pollution from the primarily coal-based production processes. Unfortunately, the quality of the air Canadians and Americans breathe are not immune from the impact of the activity in China, but there is a solution.

Often used to heat our homes and make every day products, natural gas is considered one of the world’s cleanest and safest energy sources. That’s why natural gas is such an important fuel that also helps our society move towards less carbon-intensive energy sources. The Douglas Channel near Kitimat provides easy access to export the energy to Asian markets, where coal-fired electricity is commonly used. Accessing the port requires the construction of Coastal GasLink pipeline. Once the natural gas is delivered through our pipeline, our customer, LNG Canada will prepare it for export by converting the gas to a liquefied state; also known as LNG.

A recent study indicates if a number of these proposed LNG projects in B.C. proceed, they could reduce global greenhouse gas by as much as 176 million tonnes annually. Research also suggests natural gas exported from LNG terminals in B.C. would largely replace coal-fired facilities in Asian countries including China.