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May 5 2016

Project moves one step closer to construction and operation

Posted by Coastal GasLink


Coastal GasLink now has all of the major provincial regulatory approvals required for the construction and operation of the proposed pipeline and related facilities.

The 10 permits were received between May 2015 and April 2016.

What are the permits for?

The BC Oil and Gas Commission issued the permits, eight of which are related to pipeline construction. The other two permits are for a natural gas compressor station and meter station in Groundbirch, and a meter station in Kitimat.

What does this mean for me?

During construction, 2,000 to 2,500 jobs will be created! And the project will generate over $20 million in annual property tax revenues. This revenue can help support things such as roads and hospitals in your community.

Learn more about the importance of these final major permits