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Sep 22 2021

September construction update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Our 670 km pipeline project sees many different types of terrain as it travels from Groundbirch, BC to the LNG Canada facility in Kitimat. From grassy green fields and flowing rivers to granite hills and snow-covered mountains, our team of experts safely manages construction along every inch of the construction route.

This month we’re celebrating reaching the highest elevation point on our Coastal GasLink project route — 1,428 meters above sea level at the top of Icy Pass with our construction access road. Working in an active avalanche zone and against deadlines set by Mother Nature, our crews worked alongside year-round run-off channels, extreme weather, and access limitations to get the job done.

Over the past month, COVID-19 continues to pose challenges for our workers and the communities in which we operate. Our health, safety and construction teams have continued to monitor the changes to public health protocols made by government and communicate with our workers and Prime Contractors. We are dedicated to ensuring the safety of our workers and the Indigenous and local communities with regular monitoring of our workforce through testing, mandatory mask use and encouraging vaccinations.

With the summer behind us, our busy fall construction season is moving ahead with over 4,758 workers across the project route. This construction season will be our busiest yet, with crews completing more major milestones and beginning the next phases of construction, all leading to reclamation of the land along the project route. Coastal GasLink is committed to being a good neighbour and operating in a safe manner, and that includes before, during and after construction through to operation.

Read our full September construction update here.

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This month we’re celebrating reaching the highest elevation point on our Coastal GasLink project route with our construction access road. At 1,428 metres above sea level, this is a testament to our skilled and dedicated workforce and contractors, and is a major project milestone. Our Prime Contractor Ledcor-Haisla LP and our workers in Section 8 defied sharp elevation gains and dangerously steep slopes – some with more than a 60-degree angle!