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Feb 28 2022

Two more water crossings safely achieved for Coastal GasLink

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Two more water crossings safely achieved for CGL

For the Coastal GasLink team, the Salmon River and Parsnip River direct pipe installations (DPI) are the latest water crossings to be safely completed - a major milestone for Coastal GasLink as we are passed the halfway mark on project construction and work towards project completion in 2023.

The trenchless DPI crossing method sees minimal impact on the area of construction as the pipe is installed with a micro-tunnel boring machine that pushes the pipe through the tunnel along a designated route by a pipe thruster. Trenchless crossings are a proven technique that allow the pipeline to be installed under the water body, without touching the streambed. There is no impact to the flow of the rivers and streams because we don’t construct through the bed or banks.


“We are putting 656 metres of pipeline underneath the river without affecting the waterbody or ecosystem associated with it,” explains Field Engineer-in-Training Tonya Gorshenina.

Water crossings are done with the utmost attention to protecting the environment now and for years to come. For Environment Manager Adair Rigney, using DPI was the best crossing method for Salmon River’s unique aquatic habitats in Section 4 of the project.

Salmon River is an important watercourse for local stakeholders and rights holders, with spawning Chinook salmon identified within and downstream from Coastal GasLink’s crossing location. By utilizing the DPI method, Coastal GasLink was able to cross without impact to the spawning habitat for this important species.”

Adair Rigney
Environment Manager

Prior to construction at any water crossing, environmental assessments take place including studies of the aquatic environment – such as water flow, bank stability, the quantity and quality of fish habitat, wildlife and vegetation. Information gathered through the assessments, along with regulatory requirements and constructability, allows for the selection of the most appropriate pipeline installation method.

The Salmon River and Parsnip River crossings are one of many crossings we have safety completed. This includes the completion of the Burnt River DPI crossing in September 2021, seven months earlier than expected, and the Murray River crossing last July. All crossings were safely completed.

To learn more about how we are protecting waterways visit our sustainability page.