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Dec 17 2019

December Construction Update

Posted by Coastal GasLink

Want to know what’s happening along the right-of-way? We’ve shared our latest section-by-section construction update.

The first segments of pipe for the Coastal GasLink project arrived in the Kitimat and Chetwynd areas the week of Dec. 2. Pipe is being transported by vessel, rail and truck to storage sites in anticipation of 2020 construction ramp up. Approximately 390,000 tonnes of pipe is required for the 670-kilometre pipeline, with the majority of materials made in Canada, and all of them built to our specifications and high standards.

CGL Pipe Delivery 021219.jpg

As pipe deliveries continue through April 2021, Coastal GasLink will ensure communities and road users along the project right-of-way have up to date information about construction activities. Traffic management and safety plans are in place to minimize any impact to local roads and communities and maximize safety.

Construction remains focused on right-of-way clearing, with 24 per cent of the total route cleared to date. Clearing resumed with the onset of colder weather and firmer ground conditions along Sections 1 and 2, with clearing progressing along Sections 3, 4, 5 and 8 as well. Grading took place along Section 6 to prepare for the 7 Mile Road Lodge establishment, and the Project received its temporary use permit for Huckleberry Lodge along Section 7.

There are now approximately 1,105 workers at accommodation sites along the right-of-way. You can learn more about workforce accommodations, including expected peak occupancy and timelines, in our Workforce Accommodations fact sheet.

Get all the details in our December construction update.